What is Tungsten Carbide - and why is it used in Men's Rings?


Tungsten Men's Rings

When people think of men's rings traditionally, they are reminded of gold or silver, and more recently even stainless steel materials.  In more recent times however, new materials have been introduced into the realm of men's jewelry, and Tungsten is often referenced as a primary material used in rings for men.  This article serves to answer the question - Why is Tungsten used in Men's Rings?

What is Tungsten?

Tungsten is a rare metal, that was discovered centuries ago.  As a result of its strength and robustness, it is used in a variety of different applications, both industrial and individual.  The range of uses for tungsten are broad, though in the realm of accessories and jewelry, tungsten is combined with other elements and is used widely, and appreciated for its incredible durability.  That said, the application of tungsten in men's rings and jewelry accessories is a blend of Tungsten and Carbon, combined into what is known as Tungsten Carbide.  This bond of the two materials creates an incredibly strong material that is, in fact, twice as rigid as steel when compressed sufficiently.  On its own, tungsten carbide is refined and mixed as a fine powder, and is compressed and moulded under high pressure to create the shapes and forms used in men's jewelry, and men's rings specifically.

Tungsten Carbide Men's Rings

The use of tungsten carbide (often just referred to as simply Tungsten) in rings for men, jewelry and accessories overall has become incredibly common.  As noted earlier, tungsten rings are incredibly strong, and can be polished and finished to a refined brightness and a perfect sheen that is truly unique.  This incredibly durable material is very resistant to scratching and superficial damage, and makes for a perfect finish every time.  The additional flexibility in production, means that men's rings can be created in almost any size, shape and combination imaginable, which provides expansive opportunity for creativity in the designing of men's rings.

Tungsten Carbide Men's Rings at EFFENTII

effentii mens tungsten rings

We strive to ensure our men's rings are made of the highest quality materials, and our tungsten men's rings are

no exception to this.  All of our tungsten products are sourced from the most reliable suppliers and manufacturers, to ensure our customers receive genuine high quality men's ring that are as unique as they are finely crafted.

We encourage you to review our inspiring range of fantastic men's rings - if you have any questions, or have any thoughts or comments, feel free to leave them below, or contact us and get in touch!



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